Monday, December 3, 2007


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She's got great taste. No seriously. Lately, I've noticed that whatever Britney's doing I slowly morph into doing it as well. FOLLOWER !!!! Her cute bun head ... ask me how my hairs been all week. Go ahead and ask me. All those starbucks drinks I see her with. Guess how many times I've gone to Starbucks this week. Tight Jeans in her boots. Ask me how many times ... alright you get it. and im not ashamed and that's why I'll admit it. I don't care. Everyone has an idol. Someone they mirror. AND MINE JUST SO HAPPENS TO BE BRITNEY LYNN SPEARS ! OMGAH I COULD CRY !

At that point, Spears threw a fit, and took off her own underwear before trying on a pair of boyshorts (with "Barely Legal' stitched across the rear end) in the middle of the store while 15 other customers looked on.
An eyewitness tells Us, "The employees kept saying 'Don't change out here!' She's just like, 'Well, I couldn't take them in the fitting room!' It was like dealing with a child."

“She rolled her eyes, but paid with a credit card," the source tells Us. As payback, "on her way out, she went up to a mannequin, snatched the wig off the head, and stole it!"

1. Is that acting like a child? I'm going to go try these bootyshorts on in the dressing room ... Oh i can't ... well then okay. I'm not a prude so i'll do it here. Hahaha. Or is the whole thing a situation because ... you're not supposed to try on panties in stores? i dunno. MAYBE she could've left hers on. But at least there won't be crotch grease and pubes. We know babygirl shaves. But ... "as 15 other customers looked on." TURN THE FUCK AROUND ! "Oh it was so horrible. that disaster. HAVING TO WATCH her do that." people are fuckin DUUUMB. Anyone shopping in HUSTLER offended by this situation is rank and needs to be banned from the store.

2. lol

3. *sigh* *Swoon* *Drool*

4. Britney Spears went to Hustler

5. i need to go to Hustler tonight and buy those panties

6. Great description. Great description. You know what the non photog people of Los Angeles lack? VIDEO CAMERAS. I mean shit. You work in Hollywood/Los Angeles. Why not start recording shit instead of dialing '0' for the operator so u can vomit "GET ME US WEEKLY." I would've loved to see Britney pout her way out of the door while grabbing a wig off of a mannequin. Why didn't anyone get a shot of the now bald mannequin?

7. I'm not impressed with these half assed stories. No seriously. Should I save 2 paychecks before moving out there to take over or 4? Because ... I think I'm ready for the city. But the real question is: Are Mark and Britney ready for ME!?

Dun. Dun. Dun. Oooo scary. Ashlie's crazy. whhhhaaa. BASICALLY. my mind okay's every single thing this chick does and that's acceptable. Because it's my mind and i'm allowed to use it how I want. and i think britney spears IS a role model. Everyone else thinks she's insane, psychotic, crazy, looped out of her mind. But I just think she's a Louisiana girl ... livin in Los Angeles ... Makin millions ... Makin Mistakes ... And Gettin Them All Caught On Film. Whatever. At least her chilrens chilren will have documents of that one time Grandma went bra and panty dipping in the Pacific Ocean.

Wooooow. Grandma's cooooooooool.

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