Friday, November 2, 2007

Oh. So You Mean Her Heart Is Broken?

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OMG ! It's been solved. Thanks to another human being Britney Spears calls A FRIEND, we now know why Britney is just oh so crazy.

“She wanted so badly to have the father of her babies. When Britney thought about Kevin not wanting her, she would bawl,” Machado tells Us. “She would look at Sean and Jayden and say, ‘Where’s your daddy? I need help. Where’s your daddy?’”

And Sean Preston, 2, and Jayden James, 1, were with Spears when she and Federline had their final fight, something Machado says Spears felt she was tricked into. After following him to New York with their sons, “She stood up for herself, and it kind of backfired,” Machado recalls. “That was what [Federline] wanted.”

Unable to move on, Spears hung her wedding dress in the bedroom of her Malibu home. She also kept framed photographs of she and K-Fed all over the house. “She would ask, ‘Why did he do this to me?’” Machado tells Us, adding: “It just made her crazy and depressed.”

Britney Spears was really in love with that rat bastard. And then when she realized that he didn't love her but loved her money, private jets and Vegas suites she stood up for herself. And then he wanted to get brave. So she dumped his ass. But was sad about it. Because she loved him. And now I'm sad for her because as her heart breaks we continue to rip her apart. And uhm ... Did u see her wedding dress. It was cute. Or no wait. I'm thinking Post wedding dress huh. That little see through tight short number. It was adorable. I'd hang it on my wall too. So that's not weird. As long as she's not doing any like come back to me chants.

But where was your Daddy !? He didn't wanna help out when he was Mr. Spears buying the latest Nikes but now that he's making Burger King commercials he wants the kids. Cause who wants to work. I'd rather get child support checks that I spend on myself too. & I haven't seen one picture of him with his kids. It's always the Nanny or grandparents pushing them in the stroller cars.

Boo situation. Boo.

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